Electrically controlled rehabilitation bed (bariatric version) - DREAM-TIM MAX

Hits: 524
Price: 1100.00 EUR

Product description

DREAM-TIM - this electrically controlled rehabilitation bed is intended for elderly or permanently confined to bed patients, disabled or those who are at home and have difficulty getting up or lying down on the bed independently. The bed has four electrically controlled areas with a remote control - movable head and torso areas, upper and lower leg areas and a stationary lower spine area.


  • max. user weight: 270 kg
  • durable powder-coated steel frame;
  • 4-section folding wooden or metal bed;
  • precise and durable control actuators made by German company Dewert;
  • height adjustment from 38,5 do 81,5 cm;
  • headrest angle adjustment from 0° to 72°;
  • stable side rails;
  • patient transportable;
  • easy assembly, disassembly and transport;
  • durable silicone grips on the crossbars of the bed;
  • reinforced extension arm with handle as standard;
  • Trendelenburg and anti-Trendelenburg function as standard (0° to 12°);
  • precise ten-function remote control;
  • aesthetically pleasing light wood finish on the bed;
  • 2-year warranty


  • 4 transport wheels with locking mechanism (Ø75);
  • side rails with lowering lock;
  • IPX4 system (water ingress protection);
  • 24V system (low-voltage actuators).


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